
There are many ramen ranking lists out there but none come close to Tabelog’s Top 100 aka the Hyakumeiten (百名店). This list, released around the end of the year, is curated by the top reviewers on Tabelog, an immensely popular site in Japan for reviewing restaurants. While they have awards for high-end dining, more casual stuff has been delegated to the Hyakumeiten (lit. 100 famous shops) lists. You’ll find ramen, soba, tempura, and even burgers and pizza each with its own list. For mega-popular food like ramen, 100 is too few, so the list is broken up into Tokyo, East, and West for a total of 300 shops. You can see the other lists here:

East Japan

West Japan

I completed the list of 300 in early 2023. I live in Tokyo, so when the 2022 list was released on November 28th, 2022, I had already been to all but a handful of shops. Although the list is just a list and not a ranking, I’ve compiled them all in order of their overall Tabelog score at the time the list was made. Though no shops in Tokyo broke the magical 4.0 ranking (Ramen Shima sits at 3.99) these are all considered top shops among most ramen hunters out there. Keep in mind that the scores of the bottom 50 are all something like 3.74, and the numbers are constantly evolving. See you for the 2023 list!

I’ll update the links in due time. For now, you can find most of these shops reviewed on Ramen Adventures!

  1. らぁ麺や 嶋 (Shima in Nishi-Shinjuku)
  2. Homemade Ramen 麦苗 (Muginae in Omori)
  3. 宍道湖しじみ中華蕎麦 琥珀 (Kohaku in Kamata)
  4. 麺屋一燈 (Itto in Shin-Koiwa)
  5. 中華そば 多賀野 (Takano in Nakanobu)
  6. Ramen FeeL in Ome
  7. 中華そば しば田 (Shibata in Setagaya)
  8. 手打式超多加水麺 ののくら (Nonokura in Kameari)
  9. 銀座 八五 (Ginza Hachigo in Ginza)
  10. 成城青果 (Seijoseika in Rokkakoen)
  11. 入鹿TOKYO 六本木 (New Entry)
  12. 麺処 しろくろ (Shirokuro in Kamitakaido)
  13. 神保町 黒須 (Kurosu in Jimbocho)
  14. 中華ソバ 伊吹 (Ibuki in Itabashi)
  15. 純手打ち だるま (Daruma in Nakano)
  16. 麺屋 さくら井 (Sakurai in Mitaka)
  17. 麺創庵 砂田 (Sunada in Sugamo)
  18. 味噌っ子 ふっく (Hook in Ogikubo)
  19. 創作麺工房 鳴龍 (Nakiryu in Otsuka)
  20. 三ん寅 (Santora in Shinjuku)
  21. カネキッチン ヌードル (KaneKitchen Noodles in Higashi-Nagasaki)
  22. 中華蕎麦 ひら井 (Hirai in Kokubunji)
  23. 饗 くろ喜 (Motenashi Kuroki in Akihabara)
  24. 麺屋吉左右 (Menya Kissou in Kiba)
  25. つけ麺 道 (Tsukemen Michi in Kameari)
  26. 麺処 ほん田 秋葉原本店 (Honda in Akihabara)
  27. 中華そば べんてん (Benten in Narimasu)
  28. ほっこり中華そば もつけ (Chukasoba Motsuke in Hachioji)
  29. らぁめん 山と樹 (Yamatoki in Koenji, Tokyo)
  30. 中華そば 児ノ木 (Chigonoki in Nakai)
  31. 一条流がんこ総本家分家四谷荒木町 (Ganko in Yotsuya)
  32. 中華そば さわ (Sawa in Itabashi)
  33. SOBA HOUSE 金色不如帰 新宿御苑本店 (Konjiki Hototogisu in Shinjuku)
  34. らぁめん 葉月 (Hazuki in Tamagawa, Tokyo)
  35. 麺や金時 (Kintoki in Nerima)
  36. 中華ソバ ちゃるめ (Charume in Kojiya)
  37. Ramen Break Beats in Yutenji (New Entry)
  38. らぁ麺やまぐち (Yamaguchi in Waseda)
  39. らーめんMAIKAGURA (MAIKAGURA in Chitose-Funabashi)
  40. ラーメン 健やか (Sukoyaka in Mitaka)
  41. タンタン (Tantan in Hachioji)
  42. 入鹿TOKYO (IRUCA Tokyo in Higashi-Kurume)
  43. 中華蕎麦にし乃 (Nishino in Hongo)
  44. ラーメン屋 トイ・ボックス (Toy Box in Minowa)
  45. 中華そば 和渦 TOKYO (Waka in Shinagawa)
  46. 一番いちばん (Ichiban Ichiban in Machida)
  47. 中華そば 西川 (Nishikawa in Setagaya)
  48. 中洲屋台長浜ラーメン初代 健太 東京高円寺本店 (Kenta in Koenji, Tokyo)
  49. 函館塩ラーメン 五稜郭 (Goryokaku in Ogikubo, Tokyo) (New Entry)
  50. 竹末東京Premium (Takesue in Sumida-ku)
  51. つけめん金龍 (Tsukemen Kinryu in Kanda)
  52. 鴨出汁中華蕎麦 麺屋yoshiki (Menya Yoshiki in Shin-Koiwa)
  53. 西永福の煮干箱 (Niboshi Hako in Eifukucho) (New Entry)
  54. 手打麺祭 かめ囲 (Kamei in Chofu) (New Entry)
  55. 神田 勝本 (Katsumoto in Jimbocho)
  56. らーめん改 (Kai in Kuramae)
  57. 柴崎亭 つつじヶ丘本店 (Shibasakitei in Tstsujigaoka)
  58. メンドコロ キナリ (Mendokoro Kinari in Nakano)
  59. 支那ソバ おさだ (Osada in Oyama) (New Entry)
  60. むかん (Mukan in Nakanosakaue) (New Entry)
  61. 麺尊 RAGE (Menson RAGE in Nishi-Ogikubo, Tokyo)
  62. 煮干そば 流。(Ru in Jujo)
  63. 自家製中華そば としおか (Toshioka in Kagurazaka)
  64. 寿製麺 よしかわ 西台駅前店 (Yoshikawa in Nishidai)
  65. あさひ町内会 (Asahicho Naikai in Itabashi, Tokyo) (New Entry)
  66. 麺笑 巧真 (Takuma in Hachioji) (New Entry)
  67. ソラノイロ ARTISAN NOODLES (Soranoiro in Kojimachi)
  68. 燦燦斗 (Sansanto in Higashi-Jujo)
  69. 中華蕎麦 蘭鋳 (Ranchu in Honancho)
  70. 麺屋鈴春 (Suzuharu in Kasuga)
  71. 六厘舎 (Rokurinsha at the Tokyo Ramen Street)
  72. 青島食堂 秋葉原店 (Aoshima Shokudo in Akihabara)
  73. こうかいぼう (Kokaibo in Kiyosumi)
  74. 煮干鰮らーめん 圓 八王子本店 (En in Hachioji)
  75. 田中商店 本店 (Tanaka Shouten in Adachi-ku)
  76. 麺処 晴 (Haru in Uguisudani)
  77. はつね (Hatsune in Nishi-Ogikubo)
  78. 町田汁場 しおらーめん進化 本店 (Shinka in Machida)
  79. らぁめん小池 (Koike in Kamikitazawa)
  80. 中華そば屋 伊藤 (Ito in Akabane)
  81. 神名備 (Kamunabi in Nishi-Nippori)
  82. 風雲児 新宿本店 (Fuunji in Shinuku)
  83. むぎとオリーブ 銀座本店 (Mugitooribu in Ginza)
  84. つけ麺 五ノ神製作所 (Gonokamiseisakujo in Shinjuku)
  85. 銀座 朧月 (Oborozuki in Meguro)
  86. 麺屋 翔 本店 (Menya Sho in Shinjuku)
  87. はやし (Hayashi in Shibuya)
  88. 麺や 七彩 (Shichisai in Hatchobori)
  89. 麺処 銀笹 (Ginzasa in Ginza)
  90. 煮干しつけ麺 宮元 (Miyamoto in Kamata)
  91. 麺処 びぎ屋 (Bigiya in Meguro)
  92. RAMEN CiQUE in Asagaya
  93. かしわぎ (Kashiwagi in Nakai)
  94. 支那そば たんたん亭 (Tantantei in Hamadayama)
  95. スパイス・ラー麺 卍力 西葛西店 (Spice Ramen Manriki in Nishi-Kasei)
  96. キング製麺 (King Seimen in Oji)
  97. ラーメン巌哲 (Gantetsu in Waseda)
  98. Ramen にじゅうぶんのいち (Nijubunnoichi in Arakawa)
  99. 中華麺店 喜楽 (Kiraku in Shibuya)
  100. 麺屋ひょっとこ 交通会館店 (Hyottoko in Yurakucho)

A solid list covering a wide range of areas and styles. There were some obvious newcomers, like insanely popular Ramen Break Beats and the must-hit Kamei (手打麺祭 かめ囲). The slowly expanding Koike Group clinched the game with Koike, Nishino, King Seimen, and Tsukemen Kinryu all getting on the list. IRUCA is on there for their original shop on Tokyo’s west side as well as their new shop in Roppongi, and the lines are no joke. I’m always happy to see old-school shops like Tantantei getting recognition. Is Ramen Jiro off the list this year? It appears so.

Apologies for the quality of some of my older writeups. Ramen Adventures has been reviewing ramen shops since 2008, and my writing skills have mirrored my grasp of the Japanese language. Take that as you will, but it means the early 2010 ramen reviews can be a bit rough.

If you are curious about how Tabelog works, I asked a few of the top reviewers about it. The simple explanation is that the more you review, the higher your power. Someone who has been to 10 shops can’t simply force their friend’s new shop to get a top ranking. Points start at 3.0 and can theoretically go up to 5.0. The highest-ranked restaurant in Japan with a 4.71 is Nihombashi Kakigaracho Sugita (日本橋 蛎殻町 すぎた), an impossible-to-book sushi restaurant coveted by foodies around the world. The 2nd shop is Nitome (にい留) a tempura restaurant that charges 120,000 yen per person. You get the picture. In the world of ramen, the only one above a 4.0 is Iida Shoten (らぁ麺 飯田商店) with a 4.1. If you can figure out a bit of Japanese, I suggest getting the Tabelog app, it can really come in handy when traveling around Japan. Google reviews, Yelp, and Trip Advisor simply don’t cut it in the world of gourmet. If you are going for all 100 Tokyo shops, let me know!

Please check the latest list on my Best-of-the-Best page!

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  1. The Top 100 Ramen Shops in East Japan According to Tabelog 2022 (食べログラーメン EAST 百名店2022) – Ramen Adventures

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  2. The Top 100 Ramen Shops in East Japan According to Tabelog 2022 (食べログラーメン EAST 百名店2022) – Ramen Adventures

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  6. A Foodie’s Guide to Ramen in Japan: From Street Stalls to High-End - AI Trip Expert

    […] For those seeking the best ramen experiences in Tokyo, Tabelog’s Top 100 list, also known as the Hyakumeiten, serves as an invaluable resource. Curated by top reviewers on Tabelog, this list provides a comprehensive guide to the city’s finest ramen shops, ranging from casual eateries to more upscale venues (Ramen Adventures). […]