食べログラーメン OSAKA 百名店2023
On December 5th, 2023, Tabelog released its annual list of the top ramen shops across Japan. Dubbed the Hyakumeiten (lit. 100 famous shops), this curated list of the best ramen in the country is broken down into sections. For the first time in the list’s history, Osaka was given their own top 100 shops. This is a veritable who’s who of ramen in Japan’s second-biggest city, with plenty of returning shops and plenty of newcomers. In previous years, the whole west of Japan was bundled together, so now that Osaka has their list many ramen hunters have their work cut out for them. At the time of writing it looks like I’ve been to around 60 of the 100. Let’s go!
Although the official list isn’t in any kind of order, I listed them here from highest ranked to lowest based on Tabelog’s 5-point scale.
- 人類みな麺類 (Jinruiminamenrui)
- ラーメン人生JET (Jinsei Jet)
- カドヤ食堂 総本店 (Kadoya Shokudo)
- 麺や而今 大東本店 (Jikon)
- 燃えよ麺助 (Moeyo Mensuke)
- ストライク軒 (Strike-ken)
- らーめん弥七 (Yashichi)
- 中華蕎麦 葛 (Kazura)
- 中華そば うえまち (Uemachi)
- 群青 (Gunjo)
- 麺や 紡 (Tsumugu)
- 烈志笑魚油 麺香房 三く (Sanku)
- 麺屋 丈六 なんば店 (Joroku)
- 麦と麺助 (Mugito Mensuke)
- ラーメン人生JET600 (Jinsei Jet 600)
- らーめん颯人 (Hayato
- 中華そば 無限 (Chukasoba Mugen)
- 手打ち麺 やす田 (Yasuda)
- 総大醤 (Sodaisho)
- 洛二神 (Rakunijin)
- 麺屋彩々 昭和町本店 (Menya Sasai)
- らーめん香澄 阿波座本店 (Kasumi)
- 麺のようじ (Mennoyoji)
- 麺や 福はら (Menya Fukuhara)
- とんぴととりの光龍益 (Koryumasu)
- かしや (Kashiya)
- 麺屋 八海山 (Hakkaisan)
- 大阪麺哲 (Mentetsu in Osaka)
- 時屋 (Tokiya)
- 鶏 soba 座銀 本店 (Zagin)
- いかれたヌードル フィッシュトンズ (Fishtons in Osaka)
- 烈火 本店 (Rekka)
- 中華そば いぶき (Ibuki)
- あす流 (Asyryu)
- ラーメン坊也哲 (Boyatetsu)
- 京都 麺屋たけ井 阪急梅田店 (Takei)
- 無鉄砲 大阪店 (Muteppo)
- 世界一暇なラーメン屋 (The Most Deserted Ramen Bar in the World)
- 彩色ラーメンきんせい 高槻駅前店 (Kinsei)
- 中華そば 桐麺 総本店 (Kirimen)
- 博多とんこつ 天神旗 (Tenjinki)
- 中村商店 高槻本店 (Nakamura Shoten)
- 麺屋 はなぶさ (Hanabusa)
- 極汁美麺 umami (Gokujuumen Umami)
- 自己流ラーメン綿麺 (Watamen)
- 麺や しき (Shiki)
- 麺匠 而今 (Jikon)
- 麺哲 豊中 (Mentetsu)
- 麺一盃 (Men Ippai)
- 麺元素 (Mengenso)
- 福島壱麺 (Fukushima Ichimen)
- らーめん 小僧 (Kozo)
- らーめん香澄 中崎町店 (Kazumi)
- 中華そば 閃 (Sen)
- 田中の中華そば (Tanaka no Cukasoba) (New Entry)
- 馬鹿坊 (Bakabo)
- 極麺 青二犀 (Aonisai)
- 麺や 清流 (Menya Seiryu) (New Entry)
- らぁめん真 (Ramen Shin)
- NAKAGAWA わず (Nakagawa Wazu) (New Entry)
- なにわ 麺次郎 (Naniwa Menjiro) (New Entry)
- 麺匠至誠 (Shisei) (New Entry)
- 縁乃助商店 (Ennosuke Shoten) (New Entry)
- 中華そば ココカラサキエ (Kokokarasakie) (New Entry)
- らぁ麺屋 はりねずみ (Harinezumi)
- らーめん鱗 茨木店 (Ramen Uroko)
- 麺や拓 (Menya Taku) (New Entry)
- 創作ラーメン STYLE林 本店 (Style Hayashi)
- 麺麓menroku (Menroku) (New Entry)
- 醤油と貝と麺 そして人と夢 (Hito to Yume) (New Entry)
- 西中島 光龍益 (Nishinakajima Koryumasu) (New Entry)
- 麺屋 一慶 (Ikkei) (New Entry)
- KUCHE (New Entry)
- 自家製麺 つきよみ (Tsukiyomi) (New Entry)
- 上方レインボー (Kamigata Rainbow) (New Entry)
- らーめん工房 RISE (Rise) (New Entry)
- ラーメン哲史 (Ramen Tetsushi) (New Entry)
- 魚々麺 園 (En) (New Entry)
- Ramen 辻 (Tsuji)
- みつ星製麺所 福島本店 (Mitsuboshiseimenjo)
- 鯛白湯らーめん ○de▽ (Marudesankaku) (New Entry)
- 麺ファクトリー ジョーズ (Factory Jaws) (New Entry)
- 麺厨房 華燕 (Kaen) (New Entry)
- らーめん これこれ (Kore Kore) (New Entry)
- 友愛亭 (Yuaitei) (New Entry)
- 尾道ラーメン 山長 (Yamacho) (New Entry)
- RAMEN ガモウスマイル (Gamo Smile) (New Entry)
- 別邸 三く 中華き蕎麦 萃 (Bettei Sanku Chukakisoba Sui) (New Entry)
- 彩哲 (Isato) (New Entry)
- 鶏Soba 座銀 にぼし店 (Zagin Niboshi)
- 銀座 篝 ルクア大阪店 (Ginza Kagari) (New Entry)
- 麺座ぎん (Gin) (New Entry)
- 烈火 城東店 (Rekka)
- 布施 細見商店 (Fuse) (New Entry)
- 中華そば かみなり雲呑 (Kaminari) (New Entry)
- ついてる中山 (Tsuiteru Nakayama) (New Entry)
- ラーメン家 あかぎ (Akagi) (New Entry)
- 麺や 一想 (Menya Isso) (New Entry)
- ふく流らーめん 轍 本町本店 (Wadachi)
- らーめん鱗 西中島店 (Uroko)
Back in 2019, when Tabelog started the Hyakumeiten lists, I saw the sheer number of Osaka shops and decided to give up. I only visit Osaka around three times a year. Ramen hunting in Japan’s second-biggest city was always fun, but there was no way I would eat at over 60 shops. Then, during the global pandemic, Japan shut its borders from 2020 until late 2022. This gave me ample free time, and with the reduced cost of hotel rooms in Osaka I decided to go for it. I spent a total of 40 days in hotels in Osaka to crush all of the remaining shops on the list. It was a super fun unpaid job essentially. Finishing that last shop was a great feeling.
Well, now I’m back where I started. I can’t be bothered to count, but it looks like I have over 40 shops to hit up. I’m not alone! According to Tabelog’s official Ramen Reviewer Ranking, only three people have been to all 100 in Osaka. Good luck ramen hunters!
I’m not sure if I will make much effort with this current list. There are many shops listed with both their main shop (honten) and branch shops (shiten). Most of the time, these shops are identical in taste and I’d rather spend my time trying interesting shops with variety. For example, can the Osaka branch of Kagari be any different from the one in Tokyo? There are multiple mentions of Rekka, Jikon, Sanku, Takei, and Uroku. I’d like to see future lists only giving a spot to the head shop, but that’s just me.
Please check the latest list on my Best-of-the-Best page!
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[…] — Osaka — East Japan — West […]
[…] — Osaka — East Japan — West […]