百名店 東京

Do you want to try the best of the best Japanese ramen? Of course, you do! What better way than with a ranking? Maybe a simple Top 3 is all you need. You can go with the classic Top 10. The 50 Best is a popular number these days. Then you have 100. 百 (pronounced hyaku in Japanese) was chosen for Tabelog’s ambitious 百名店 (hyakumeiten or 100 famous shops) project. Genres of casual grub across the country are given Top 100 lists. Ramen, one of Japan’s most beloved casual cuisines, has its own top 100 list for different regions of Japan.

Here are the top 100 ramen shops in Tokyo for 2024. For your convenience, they are listed in order of general ranking. Keep in mind that these lists cover six regions. Tokyo, Kanagawa, Osaka, East Japan, West Japan, and Hokkaido each have their own page. Happy hunting!

  1. らぁ麺や 嶋 (Ramenya Shima in Nishi-Shinjuku)
  2. Ramen FeeL in Ome
  3. Homemade Ramen 麦苗 (Homemade Ramen Muginae in Omori)
  4. 宍道湖しじみ中華蕎麦 琥珀 (Kohaku in Kamata)
  5. ジャパニーズ ラーメン 五感 (Gokan in Ikebukuro)
  6. メヂカそば 吟魚 (Kingyo in Hino)
  7. 奈つやの中華そば (Natsuya no Chukasoba in Ota) (New Entry)
  8. 麺屋吉左右 (Menya Kissou in Kiba)
  9. 入鹿TOKYO 六本木 (IRUCA in Roppongi)
  10. Tokyo Style Noodle ほたて日和 (Hotate Biyori in Akihabara)
  11. 麺処 しろくろ (Shirokuro in Kamitakaido)
  12. 麺 みつヰ (Mitsui in Asakusa) (New Entry)
  13. 中華そば 多賀野 (Takano in Nakanobu)
  14. 饗 くろ喜 (Motenashi Kuroki in Asakusabashi) (New Entry)
  15. 三ん寅 (Santora in Shinjuku)
  16. 麺屋 さくら井 (Sakurai in Mitaka)
  17. 桜上水 船越 (Sakurajosui Funakoshi in Sakurajosui)
  18. 中華そば べんてん (Benten in Narimasu)
  19. 入鹿TOKYO (IRUCA Tokyo in Higashi-Kurume)
  20. 中華そば 鴨福 (Kamofuku in Hachioji) (New Entry)
  21. 創作麺工房 鳴龍 (Nakiryu in Otsuka)
  22. 純手打ち だるま (Daruma in Nakano)
  23. 一条流がんこ総本家分家四谷荒木町 (Ganko in Yotsuya)
  24. 銀座 八五 (Ginza Hachigo in Ginza)
  25. 柴崎亭 つつじヶ丘本店 (Shibasakitei in Tstsujigaoka)
  26. 味噌っ子 ふっく (Hook in Ogikubo)
  27. 中華ソバ 伊吹 (Ibuki in Itabashi)
  28. タンタン (Tantan in Hachioji)
  29. 中華蕎麦 ひら井 (Hirai in Kokubunji)
  30. 燦燦斗 (Sansanto in Higashi-Jujo)
  31. 自家製中華そば としおか (Toshioka in Kagurazaka)
  32. 支那ソバ おさだ (Osada in Oyama)
  33. 手打ち 蓮 (Teuchi Ren in Ryogoku) (New Entry)
  34. つけ麺 道 (Tsukemen Michi in Kameari)
  35. 成城青果 (Seijoseika in Rokkakoen)
  36. 手打麺祭 かめ囲 (Kamei in Chofu)
  37. えーちゃん食堂 (Echan Shokudo in Meguro) (New Entry)
  38. らぁめん ご恩 (Go On in Koenji) (New Entry)
  39. しおらーめん進化 2nd (Shinka Second in Tsurukawa) (New Entry)
  40. らーめんMAIKAGURA (MAIKAGURA in Chitose-Funabashi)
  41. Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 (Tsuta in Yoyogi-Uehara)
  42. 中華そば 西川 (Nishikawa in Setagaya)
  43. 三馬路 東京店 (Sanmaro in Kanda) (New Entry)
  44. 手打ち 陰日向 (Kagehinata in Fuchu) (New Entry)
  45. あさひ町内会 (Asahicho Naikai in Itabashi, Tokyo)
  46. 中華そば 児ノ木 (Chigonoki in Nakai)
  47. 麺 ふじさき (Fujisaki in Kameido) (New Entry)
  48. つけ麺 和 東京本店 (Kazu in Adachi) (New Entry)
  49. 燎 (Kagaribi in Ginza) (New Entry)
  50. かしわぎ (Kashiwagi in Nakai)
  51. らぁめん 山と樹 (Yamatoki in Koenji, Tokyo)
  52. there is ramen in Ogikubo
  53. 麺や金時 (Kintoki in Nerima)
  54. 一番いちばん (Ichiban Ichiban in Machida)
  55. 麺笑 巧真 (Takuma in Hachioji)
  56. RAMEN MATSUI in Shinjuku (New Entry)
  57. ラーメン屋 トイ・ボックス (Toy Box in Minowa)
  58. 大島 味噌ラーメン (Oshima Ramen in Funabori) (New Entry)
  59. MENSHO in Gokokuji
  60. 麺創庵 砂田 (Sunada in Sugamo)
  61. 長男、ほそのたかし (Hosono Takashi in Nermina)
  62. らーめん亭 ひなり竜王 (Hinari Ryu in Ota)
  63. 塩そば時空 (Jiku in Takaido) (New Entry)
  64. らぁ麺やまぐち (Yamaguchi in Waseda)
  65. 神名備 (Kamunabi in Nishi-Nippori)
  66. 中華そば屋 伊藤 (Ito in Akabane)
  67. 寿製麺 よしかわ 西台駅前店 (Yoshikawa in Nishidai)
  68. 味噌麺処 田坂屋 (Tasakaya in Ikebukuro) (New Entry)
  69. 西永福の煮干箱 (Niboshi Hako in Eifukucho)
  70. 麺屋一燈 (Itto in Shin-Koiwa)
  71. はやし (Hayashi in Shibuya)
  72. 中華蕎麦にし乃 (Nishino in Hongo)
  73. こうかいぼう (Kokaibo in Kiyosumi)
  74. 煮干鰮らーめん 圓 八王子本店 (En in Hachioji)
  75. らーめん飛粋 (Hiiki in Kamata)
  76. 麺尊 RAGE (Menson RAGE in Nishi-Ogikubo)
  77. 麺処 晴 (Haru in Uguisudani)
  78. 田中商店 本店 (Tanaka Shouten in Adachi-ku)
  79. 中華そば 和渦 TOKYO (Waka in Shinagawa)
  80. キング製麺 (King Seimen in Oji)
  81. らぁめん小池 (Koike in Kamikitazawa)
  82. 支那そば たんたん亭 (Tantantei in Hamadayama)
  83. 煮干そば 流。(Ru in Jujo)
  84. ラーメン 健やか (Sukoyaka in Mitaka)
  85. Ramen にじゅうぶんのいち (Nijubunnoichi in Arakawa)
  86. 六厘舎 (Rokurinsha at the Tokyo Ramen Street)
  87. 麺屋 翔 本店 (Menya Sho in Shinjuku)
  88. 麺や 七彩 (Shichisai in Hatchobori)
  89. SOBA HOUSE 金色不如帰 新宿御苑本店 (Konjiki Hototogisu in Shinjuku)
  90. 煮干しつけ麺 宮元 (Miyamoto in Kamata)
  91. つけそば 神田 勝本 (Katsumoto in Jimbocho)
  92. 麺処 銀笹 (Ginzasa in Ginza)
  93. らーめん改 (Kai in Kuramae)
  94. 麺処 びぎ屋 (Bigiya in Meguro)
  95. はつね (Hatsune in Nishi-Ogikubo)
  96. スパイス・ラー麺 卍力 西葛西店 (Spice Ramen Manriki in Nishi-Kasei)
  97. メンドコロ キナリ (Kinari in Nakano)
  98. RAMEN CiQUE in Asagaya
  99. ラーメン巌哲 (Gantetsu in Waseda)
  100. 麺屋鈴春 (Suzuharu in Hongosanchome)

The Hyakumeiten lists can be found on Tabelog.com here.

When the list came out, I had been to 96 out of 100 of these shops. I’ve linked the shops that I have written about on Ramen Adventures. For the rest, you’ll have to figure out the details on your own, but that is half of the fun. Or wait, I’ll get around to it sooner or later.

For the 2024 Tokyo list, there are 17 new entries. Some are shops that have stood the tests of time, like Oshima (大島 味噌ラーメン) with their classic Sapporo-style miso ramen. Others, like rookie Natsuyanochukasoba (奈つやの中華そば), are absolutely killing it (you’ll be waiting around three hours to slurp their shoyu ramen). Kagehinata (手打ち 陰日向) was one of the best bowls I’ve had in recent years. Glancing at the list, the top 10 is a killer list if you are only in town for a short time and want a mini-challenge.

Love it or hate it, 2024 brings a massive change to the ramen Hyakumeiten as a whole. While 2023 added an Osaka list to the mix, bringing the total number of shops to 400, 2024 added Hokkaido and Kanagawa. That’s 600 ramen shops for the completionist ramen hunters out there. Apart from a handful of Japanese ramen otaku, I think Ramen Beast and myself are the only (外国人) ones going hard on this task. Maybe I’ll try and complete the Hokkaido list on a Ramen Rider road trip. Kanagawa is basically Tokyo, so that one might be a possibility.

Regardless if you only want to eat a handful or an oceanfull of ramen in 2025, eat and be happy!

Please check the latest list on my Best-of-the-Best page!

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