山手線 A first trip to Tokyo can be daunting. Shinjuku Station, to use the most extreme example, services close to 4 million people every day. A single train from Tokyo Station can take you non-stop to the northern reaches of Aomori; another down south to the island of Kyushu (sorry ramen fans, there still isn’t…

At the annual Mitaka Wish Tree, can you spot my wish? Its pretty simple, and I’d wager that it has a chance of success about as close to 100% as you could get. 2010 was an amazing year for ramen. Thank you to everyone who read this site, met up for noodles in Tokyo, gave…

Sorry for the completely un-ramen related post. That’s me in the Santa suit, my motorcycle covered with toys. Every year, my motorcycle club organizes a charity event. We collect toys, load up our bikes with said toys, and ride from Tokyo to orphanages in the surrounding area. The idea of a “Toy Run” is very…

ズームイン!! SUPER I’ve had some interesting ramen adventures in these past couple years. The latest started with an email from a producer at Nihon TV‘s morning show, Zoom In!! Super. It’s a daily, nationwide news program with random segments thrown in the mix. The Maru Q bit takes a topic, asks questions to strangers on…

ラーメンWalker Out of the dozen or so ramen magazines published in Japan, Ramen Walker might be the most famous. The “Walker” name is appended to all manner of things. If you ever live in Japan, I suggest you pick up a your-city-name-here Walker. This year there’s not 1, but 4 for the Tokyo area alone.…

Ramen Show 2010 I’ve heard that the annual Ramen Show in Komazawa Park draws a crowd, but this was ridiculous. I arrived at noon, with exactly 3 hours to eat before I had to be somewhere. I can eat 4 bowls in that time. I can try at least. First up with a collaboration between…

The plan was to hike the length of the Northern Alps of Japan, camping on mountain peaks, cooking ramen, and enjoying the scenery. Taking things a step more adventurous, I packed enough nama ramen for 4 days, and enough instant noodles for 3. Nama, meaning raw, means that I would need to actually boil the…

Is the sun rising over Tokyo a true testament to nature’s beauty? And can one honestly call hopping the Yamanote train, street atlas in hand, an adventure? Stay tuned, I’ll be back in a week or so.