The 2019 Tokyo Ramen Show, held around the first week of November, featured some collabs, some out of town shops, and some souvenir swag. Same as every year.
I only went twice to try a couple interesting collabs. Nakamura and Setagaya did a spicy fishy ramen.
And Kikanbo teamed up with Nagi for a spicy fishy bowl.
Both were very good.
The Nakamura bowl won second place overall, with a Kyoto nodoguro ramen coming in first. You can drop your ticket stub into your favorite shop’s ballot box. If they win, they will use the publicity to try and ramp up sales. I’m not sure if it helps. Many shops will print posters with long lists of achievements. Ramen Adventures best-of lists have even been used, though rarely.
I would have liked to spend a bit more time here, but it all depends on if I can find a group to go with on the weekdays. The lines can be bad on the weekend, though this year’s attendance was way down. I heard it was around half of what it was before, though I wasn’t invited to the press booth so I can’t really state any facts about the event.
A lot of people plan their Japan trip around this event. Is the Tokyo Ramen Show on your bucket list?
Official site here.
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