2015 Tokyo Toy Run!


Every year, my motorcycle friends, many of whom join the Ramen Riders adventures, team up to do a bit of charity. Toy Runs happen all around the world, and we are happy to be doing one in Tokyo. A Toy Run is a bunch of motorcycle riders collecting toys and donations, dressing as Santas (bad-ass motorcycle riding Santas!), and driving to an orphanage to deliver the goods. We spend the day with the kids, playing games and eating pizza, and they get a ton of awesome gifts. How cool is that!


We’ve been doing the Tokyo Toy Run since 2009, and the group has gotten very large. We’ve had close to a hundred bikes at times. A hundred bikes covered with presents, rolling down the highway, is a sight to see.


Here was my donation from a few years back.


Loaded up on the bike and ready to go!


Our event has become larger and larger every year, and Ramen Adventures has become larger and larger every year. I’m hoping to capitalize on the generosity of my amazing readers (that’s YOU!), so I’m making a call for donations.

I’ve already received a few donations, and every yen is going into toys for this event.

If you would like to donate, please do so via PayPal to my address, [email protected]. Yen or dollars, whichever you prefer.


We will most likely head to ramen after the event, and while I can’t post photos of the children, I hope to have a report about a tasty bowl.

If you live in Japan and want to join, please check out the Facebook page here:


Happy Holidays everyone! Here are some bowls from upcoming posts for you to drool over.





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